In April 2022, energy regulator Ofgem increased the price cap on utility bills by 54%, which has led to a cost increase of £693 per year for the average household customer. 

This huge jump in energy prices, along with the rising food and petrol costs, has led us all to reassess our spending and look for ways to save money, or in some cases, even make it back. 

With this in mind, we have put together some of our top recommendations on how to save energy at home. 

Energy and money-saving initiatives

The National Grid teamed up with Octopus Energy earlier this year to trial an energy-saving initiative that would balance out the supply and demand of energy during peak times, as well as help customers save money on their utility bills. 

The 2 month trial that took place from February to March 2022 saw Octopus customers being offered money back in return for reducing their energy usage by around 40-60% between specific times of the day.

Following this trial, the National Grid has since been in talks with other suppliers in the hope of rolling out similar schemes later in the year. While terms of this initiative have not yet been decided, it is expected that if other energy providers get on board, customers could be offered financial incentives for reducing use of high-power appliances during peak times.

A similar initiative which could also be beneficial for some households is Economy 7. This scheme offers cheaper rates between midnight and 7am, so for those whose lifestyle means a higher energy consumption at night, Economy 7 is also a great option to consider.

Top tips to save energy at home

Along with various initiatives from energy suppliers, there are a number of things you can do at home to try to reduce your energy usage.

Swap baths for showers and don’t stay too long

Swap baths for showers and don’t stay too long

There is no doubt that a long soak in the bath can be very relaxing but even just swapping just one bath per week with a shower could save the average household around £12 a year on your energy bills.   

Make sure you keep these showers short too, sticking to less than 5 minutes. Saving this water will have a positive impact on the environment, as well as help you cut back on your spending.

Be mindful in the kitchen

Be mindful in the kitchen

Being more mindful in the kitchen, even just when making yourself a cup of tea, can also make quite a big difference. 

We can all admit that we have overfilled the kettle from time to time, but we often don’t consider the added cost that comes with this. Paying more attention to this can help households reduce their water consumption and save £11 per year on electricity bills.

Another great way to save energy is through hand-washing dinnerware and utensils. While an easy option, dishwashers are extremely high-energy appliances, so washing by hand, or at least ensuring you only put the dishwasher on if it is completely full, can really help to reduce your energy usage.

Use LED light bulbs

Use LED light bulbs

With electricity being one of the biggest household costs, finding simple swaps to reduce this expenditure can have real impact. LED light bulbs are a brilliant alternative to traditional incandescent or halogen bulbs. Choosing these energy saving bulbs can again contribute to cheaper utility bills, as well as help you to reduce your carbon emissions by up to 40kg a year.

Use solar powered light bulbs outdoors

Use solar powered light bulbs outdoors

Similarly, investing in solar powered light bulbs for outdoor spaces can bring that electricity bill down even further. With various styles available, these energy saving bulbs can also be the perfect way to brighten up your garden and make the most of summer nights at home, all while reducing your energy usage and related expenses.

There is no denying that the coming months will be tricky for everyone, but hopefully these few tips will help you lower your consumption and save on energy bills during the cost of living crisis. And, with our extensive range of LED and solar lighting at Lightbulbs Direct, there is no need to compromise on style when making your energy-saving swaps!

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