The newly installed LED streetlights in New Orleans have left residents fearing that the streets aren’t lit well enough.

New Orleans East, is a residential area that is one of the first all LED areas in the city-wide upgrade that began in July. The LED conversion has cost $16.4 million and will replace 20,000 lights.

Resident of New Orleans East, Michael Jackson, told WDSU:

The new LED lights just don’t put out enough light. The older lights would put out enough light to cover the street as well as the yard and the houses. you just never know who’s gonna pop out of the shadows. The dark spots cast on both sides of the street where the houses are.

His wife, Bobbie Jackson, said:

I think it’s made things dangerous for us now. For criminals that [are] coming and passing, they could also be between our cars, or rob or break into our cars. We appreciate it and it’s good, but it’s not enough light.

The residents want higher wattage lamps to emit a brighter light and aren’t the only residents of an LED conversion who think it will lead to crime, see articles about: Kent, Grimsby, Shropshire and Leicestershire.

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