GE Lighting (America) has made their LED light bulbs more like incandescent lights while still having all the benefits of LED light bulbs.

GE Lighting are doing this to try and meet consumer demands to fill every socket in their homes with an energy efficient LED.

When Compact Fluorescent light bulbs first appeared on the market 30 years ago the light bulbs did not meet customer expectations of light preference and home application needs. GE Lighting has learnt from this and has therefore focused on design, light quality and performance capabilities of their LED products. LED light bulbs provide instant brightness, energy efficiency, use 80% less energy and last 15 times longer than incandescent light bulbs.

General Manager for GE Lighting in North America, John Strainic, said:

We know the light consumers love [incandescent light bulbs], and we’ve reinvented and perfected the LED to emulate incandescent light. We know that when consumers think about energy efficient lighting, many are deterred by the memory of early CFL light bulbs produced by some manufacturers, and we want them to know that with GE LED lighting – there are no trade-offs.

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