Despite the move to more energy efficient lighting , cities such as London and Berlin are trying to preserve their historic gas lights.

Berlin has approximately 38,000 gas lights still in use. The council decided to preserve all gas fittings in conservation areas. Other lanterns are being replaced by LED light bulbs or Compact Fluorescent post – top fittings, about 3,500 lanterns will be kept just as they are. These areas of gas-lit lanterns are: the modernist housing estates, the old town of Spandau and the banks of the Lietzensee lake.

Berlin council said:

[The lanterns] will reflect the former diversity of historical types and models of light. These areas are accorded a special preservation status because of their architectural and historical significance.

London has also kept many of it’s gas lamps despite the higher energy consumption than LED light bulbs.

Rebecca Hatch of WSP, which helps look after Westminster gas lights, said:

The atmosphere created by gas lighting cannot be replicated – it retains a historic charm that electric lighting simply cannot match.

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