It all started when scientists noticed the Greenhouse Effect. They found that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere was so high that it formed a whole layer between the Earth and outer space. So, the heat that gets produced by the Sun gets trapped in and can’t escape into outer space — as it would normally do — causing the temperature of the Earth to rise. So as a solution, the UK became the first country in 2019 to commit to achieving net zero by 2050, with more countries and businesses to follow their example.

Achieving Net Zero means that for any amount of CO2 emitted, an equal amount needs to be removed. That would result in zero addition to the amount of CO2 already in the atmosphere, keeping the balance intact. In more detail, what we need to do is reduce the amount of carbon emitted and, at the same time, take carbon out of the atmosphere. But how?

  • By switching to technologies that produce less carbon. Here’s where new-generation technologies like Class A LED light bulbs and renewable energy can help.
  • By moving away from high-carbon products through social change and regulation
  • By increasing CO2 absorption through nature-based solutions. That could be planting trees and protecting the natural inhabitants.
  • By investing in “carbon capture” new technology.

Is Net Zero good enough?

You can reduce your carbon footprint in surprising ways you wouldn’t think of. 

For example, reducing the amount of energy you use, eating fewer animal products, shopping locally, and travelling smart are great ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Why is that? Find out more about your individual carbon footprint in our next blog.

But what does this have to do with lighting? Here’s how a class A light bulb works and how it helps. 

What is a class A light bulb?

If you look at the above diagram, the class A LED light bulb is the most energy-efficient yet. That means it needs less than half the energy to work, so it manages to lower its carbon footprint by 60% compared to your regular LED lighting.

Compared to a regular LED lamp with a lifespan of 15,000 hours, class A LEDs have a much longer lifespan of 50,000 hours. This means they can save carbon from different facets all along the product life cycle, from production, to distribution and installation while of course, also lowering maintenance costs. 

As for their looks? Good news is that class A LEDs have been designed to resemble our old favourites — incandescent light bulbs — to retain the classic pear shape and a transparent glass base.

Even though they need fewer watts to function with the same strength, we have grouped Class A lightbulbs to resemble the classification of the older LEDs in both a 40W equivalent and a 60W equivalent to help you find what you are looking for. 

You can browse through our collection here to make your pick.

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