Never has it been easier to switch to LED lights and our LED range is not only more reliable than other forms of light bulbs, they’re also incredibly energy-efficient.

Switching to a new energy supplier is seen as a great way to save a few pennies over the year.

A rise in wholesale energy costs though means that there are fewer deals available and many experts are encouraging people to stick with their current supplier.

So, instead of switching energy suppliers in 2022, one way of saving money is to make the switch to LED light bulbs.

Our message is simple – ADD LED LIGHTS TO YOUR CHANGE TOO!

Combine your new energy deal with extremely energy-efficient LED lighting, and you could save as much as 90% more on your lighting bill.

Whether you’re planning on, or already have switched to a new energy supplier, you’ll be happy to know there’s a way to save even more on the switch, and the process is easy to follow too.

And here it is…

The first step is simple; find an old bill

To get the most accurate information, you’ll need the most up to date one so that you can compare it with other potential suppliers. Once you’ve found the cheapest, and are ready to press the button, give your existing supplier a call and let them know that you’re moving on. It’s usually as easy as that!

Change all light bulbs to LED

Then, make further savings by speaking to us, and start changing all your household light bulbs to LED. Throw away and recycle your existing bulbs and then sit back and enjoy improved lighting whilst making a positive impact on the environment.

If you weren’t aware of some of the benefits of LED lighting, let us remind you, because they last longer, offer greater brightness and intensity, have an excellent colour range, lower radiated heat, are more reliable, and of course, are ultra energy-efficient.

Install a smart meter

A smart meter also has numerous benefits, but the best is undoubtedly its ability to show you how much energy you’re using, alongside the cost. This means they improve awareness by showing you the positive impact you are having on the environment in real-time. There’s no guesstimates here.

Chat with us for further assistance

As ever, remember that throughout any part of the process, we are always here for any additional questions regarding LED technology, and money saving lighting tips.

So, give us a call, or you may find what you are looking for here on one of our dedicated LED pages.

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