Energy Monitors

Energy monitors cannot directly save you money but what they can do is change your attitude towards your energy usage. Constantly seeing the meter rise and realising how little you are actually using your electronic items can prompt you to turn lights off in empty rooms or switching products fully off instead of to standby. It can show you which products are the worst for energy consumption and could pay for itself within a year, depending on how you used energy before. The Energy Saving Trust found that an energy monitor could save between 5% to 15% on your household bills. With the winter season, there’s no doubt you’ll be using more lighting and heating so an energy monitor could help keep an eye on those rising winter bills.


According to Energizer research, 13 million batteries are bought in preparation for Christmas with many parents needing to restock by 27th of December when a further 2.1 million batteries are bought.

When it comes to Christmas batteries are a necessity even if you didn’t have little ones, remotes, digital cameras, clocks etc. all require batteries and depending on how often you use them can be very pricey.

Consumer organisation Which? found that the cost of recharging 4 batteries 100 times is around £91 including the price of the charger. For demonstration purposes, let’s say that batteries average at about £3.50 for a pack of 4, buying these 100 times would cost you £350 in total nearly £260 more than what you would pay using rechargeable batteries. The upfront cost may seem daunting but much like LED light bulbs, they’ll have paid for themselves before you know it.

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