Switching to LED light bulbs is hugely worthwhile. Why? Because this light source is renowned for being incredibly long-lasting.

LED light bulbs now have an average lifespan of up to 50,000 hours. Here are just a few more reasons why you should invest in energy efficient LED today.

LED light bulbs versus other lighting technologies

The huge lifespan of LED light bulbs is one of their biggest advantages, which is made all the more impressive when compared to the life-cycles of other technologies.

  • Incandescent – 1,000 hours
  • Halogen – 2,000 hours
  • Compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) – 15,000 hours

While LED technology is typically a little more expensive, however as they become more popular, the price has rapidly come in-line with other technologies, coupled with the fact they use far less electricity than other light sources and don’t need replacing as often makes them a solid investment.

So what is the average rated life?

LEDs don’t burn out like incandescent light bulbs but like all electrical equipment, failures can happen before the average-rated life has been reached, a manufacturer will assign the average rated life based upon the amount of usage observed before failure. At least 50% of the light bulbs are expected to last this long.

So only half my LED light bulbs will last the claimed lifespan?

Yes and no! The light bulbs on average will last at least half of their rated life, however, 50% will last much longer, manufacturers will assign a replacement guarantee for light bulbs that perform below the average rated life and for cases where a light bulb fails excessively early.

At Lightbulbs Direct, we want you to be able to buy with confidence both in ourselves and the products we sell. Any LED or LED Smart light bulb bought from Lightbulbs Direct carries a 24-month warranty with us, beyond this many LED and LED Smart light bulbs have extended warranties.

Usage per day

The amount of time LED light bulbs are in use per day will differ from home to home but you can judge the average lifespan you’ll get from yours based on the usage estimations below.

  • 4 hours a day – 17.1 years
  • 7 hours a day – 9.7 years
  • 12 hours a day – 5.7 years

(based on an LED with an average-rated lifespan of 25,000 hours)

What else affects their lifespan?

In some cases, LEDs won’t always last the average amount of time specified due to a range or combination of additional factors, including:

  • Surrounding temperature – Hot surrounding temperatures can shorten the lifespan
  • Electrical stress – Running LED on higher currents than required can shorten the lifespan
  • Chip fitted? – LED with constant current chips fitted combat shortened lifespans
  • Heat-sink – LED with well-designed heat-sinks combat shortened lifespans

Thinking about purchasing LED lamps and have a few more questions?

Read our guide on picking the right LED light bulb, or contact a member of our team today.

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