With more and more buildings opting for LED light bulbs, companies are looking for ways to develop upon these.

A Californian company has found a way to turn LED light bulbs in to cameras with built-in sensors to monitor security and foot traffic.

A building in Silicon Valley is one of the first places where a smart light network is installed. They’re used to save energy and for security. They’re used to save energy and for security. There are 40 lamp posts in the car park of the building holding 83 LED light bulbs which are connected to seven cameras to track people’s moves.

There has been a debate over the benefits and the risks of these Smart Bulbs. People want to be protected but don’t want to be tracked.

President of Sensity (a developer of these smart light bulbs‚, Hugh Martin, said:

Wouldn’t at least the parents of kids feel better if they knew there was an analytic that looked for objects that could be guns on people that are coming into the school? Wouldn’t that be a good thing?

Research professor at the National Defense University in Washington, Dr Linton Wells, said:

I think the onus has to be on the citizen. It’s your information that’s at risk out there. We’re all both benefiting and at risk from this.

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