In a previous article we asked what will be the next lighting breakthrough, will it be laser diodes (as said by Nobel Prize winner Shuji Nakamura) or will it be OLED light bulbs? Well due to recent research, the answer could be OLED Laser Diodes.

Researchers in California and Japan have found that OLED light bulbs made with finely patterned structures can produce bright, low-power light sources which is a big step towards OLED lasers as previously organic materials operated inefficiently at the high currents that lasers require.

One researcher and Co-author of the findings, Chihaya Adachi, said:

An important effect of suppressing roll-off is an increase in the efficiency of devices at high brightness. This results in lower power to obtain the same brightness.

Another researcher and Co-author, Thuc-Quyen Nguygen, said:

For years scientists working in organic semiconductors have dreamed of making electrically driven organic lasers. Lasers operate in extreme condition with electric currents that are significantly higher than those used in common displays and lighting. At these high currents, energy loss processes become stronger and make lasing difficult. We see this work, which reduces some loss processes, as one step on the road toward realizing organic lasers.

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