House of Mamba in Shanghai has been fitted with the latest LED technology. The training facility now has a court fitted with LED technology created by Nike.

The floor is embedded with motion sensors so that it can track players movements to help them train better as they can clearly see their movements or mistakes. They can learn plays by following an icon on the floor and can gain insight and best practices as can the coach. It looks more like a video game than a training game.

The court was produced as part of Nike Basketball’s RISE campaign and will host a competition between 30 players from 27 different cities.

There are many other upsides and possibilities to an all LED floor. It could provide entertainment during half-time, sell products or just have interesting special effects. As Basketball star Kobe Bryant said:

It’s my first experience of LED floors, I didn’t even know it was possible. I think the potential and the possibilities for the floor are endless.

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