How do you create the perfect, Instagram-worthy photo?

You may not have a top-of-the-range camera at the ready, or the photo-editing software to perfect your skin.

However, there is one thing you can use to help you capture the perfect shot every time and it’s much more accessible than you think; lighting.

We have teamed up with a number of experts to reveal the tricks of the trade and to look behind the scenes at how professionals use lighting to their advantage.

Take a look at our favourite five top tips:

1. Bruno Poet – Lighting Designer

Bruno Poet, lighting designer
My number one top would be: think about the darkness as much as the light – the lighting designers control both, so deciding what should not be lit is as important as what should be lit. If something doesn’t look good, fix it by turning lights off, not by adding more and more.

2. Josh Wilde, professional photographer

Josh Wilde, professional photographer
The way I position, manipulate and share the light is very important when producing a technically exceptional image.

3. Make-up artist, Jessica Loach

Make-up artist, Jessica Loach
The correct lighting will diminish blemishes and shadows on the face

4. Kirsty, blogger and influencer at Fashion for Lunch

Kirsty, blogger and influencer at Fashion for Lunch
Poor lighting can make photos look dull, lifeless and flat but getting it right can make the colours in your photo pop!

5. Matthew Dingwall, Head of e-Commerce at Lightbulbs Direct

Have different lighting options available. Using a combination of overhead lights, spotlights and side lamps means that you can choose the lighting that is right for the purpose or mood.”
Have different lighting options available. Using a combination of overhead lights, spotlights and side lamps means that you can choose the lighting that is right for the purpose or mood.
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